All you need to know about coconut oil
The coconut which is also referred to as the “tree of life” carries the scientific name “Cocos Nucifera.” The coconut is a nutritious source of meat (white flesh) also known as copra, juice, milk, cream, and oil which has helped nourished and maintain a healthy lifestyle in many cultures around the world with a long and respected history.
Coconut oil has been gaining popularity in recent years amongst other vegetable oils as more benefits of the oil are being discovered and also as new ways of using the oil is largely being researched. Flying the flag high for coconut oil are celebrities through celebrity endorsements, health enthusiasts, and leading cosmetic brands who are frequently exposed to the oil and its usage.
A few of their claims hold that the ingredients of the oil extracted from the meat of the Cocos nucifera fruit can strengthen the immune system, deals with belly fat, prevent heart disease, curb appetite and fight against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease (1). Over 72% of Americans, followed by 37% of nutrition experts, classified coconut oil as “healthy.” Keto and Paleo diet enthusiasts are “rallying” behind coconut oil which explains why coconut oil is popular in Paleo and keto diets.
As the oil makes its way to be considered as a “superfood,” and the soaring consumer demand for plant-based foods, over 63% of nutrition experts still do not consider coconut oil as a healthy food. We should understand that these conflicting health views and claims for coconut oil are based on research obtained from different formulation processes.
As we strive to get the best products to the world, we also encourage people to understand or be curious about what coconut oil to purchase, be it for food or cosmetic purposes and we challenge manufacturers and producers of coconut oil based products to understand and study more about coconut oils and which specific formulation process can be used to obtain or realize optimum “healthy” outcomes.
As we work with coconut oil and as we export the oil to the world, we have learned about over four different formulation processes. Considering if coconut oil is healthy or not greatly depends on the production and formulation process. Each formulation process gives rise to a specific grade and quality of the coconut oil obtained at the end of the production chain. The right labeling of the coconut oil can also help consumers to distinguish among the oil grades and quality from these various formulation processes.
Coconut oil; information on the production and formulation process.
From our experience and looking at how the production and formulation processes of coconut oil can greatly affect quality, the usage of the oil, stability, and even the price, we seek to make the buyer or importer understand how such different production processes can help their decision on which exact grade or quality can be appropriate for their needs.
Normally, the coconut oil is obtained from the meat or the white flesh (called copra) found in the interior of the coconut fruit. The coconut oil is produced by pressing the fresh meat (copra) or dried. Maturity for the plant is usually after a period of about 10-12 months and not only after the flower begins to form seeds.
Once the white flesh is obtained, it goes through a process whereby water, fiber, and proteins are extracted in other to obtain the actual oil. With these constituents separated, the oil becomes stable at room temperature. Compared with other oils, coconut oil is more stable as it is predominantly made of medium-chain fatty acids, saturated with hydrogen atoms, and capable of resisting oxidation.
You might be asking; how do all these make any sense? In terms of the quality, stability, taste, and even the price? However, to answer that question, we have to understand how well the water, proteins, and fiber are removed or separated from the oil. This takes us back to the formulation process.
There exist four basic methods to produce coconut oil. From our experience, we would recommend only three of these methods as a result of the quality of the oil obtained. The extraction process is known to have a direct effect on the quality and quantity of the oil.
The various methods for extraction of coconut oil from the coconut kernel can include a solvent extraction method, wet methods, and dry methods. The solvent method of oil recovery can be met with some drawbacks as the quality can be limiting compared to the other methods of extraction This may include high safety standards, risks to the environment, low-quality meal, and high energy input.
With the wet method of extraction, the oil is extracted using the coconut milk by either a heating or non-heating processes. For the heating process, the oil is obtained through direct heating of the coconut milk. And for the non-heating process, the oil is obtained through either a fermentation process, aqueous extraction process, supercritical fluid extraction process, and the enzymatic extraction process (3).
However, in the non-heating process, the coconut milk does not go through a heating process for the formulation of the coconut oil and it is seen to be more advantageous compared to the heating process when it comes to retaining the functional beneficial characteristics of the fresh coconut.
The fermentation method of producing coconut oil is a method we wouldn’t recommend as it can vary outstandingly in quality and a shelf life of just a few months can be realized which is much lesser compared to the other methods widely used.
Another disadvantage of the fermentation process is characterized by the off yellowish color and fermented odor which can mask the coconut flavor of the oil. This can be due to the presence of uncontrolled conditions and unwanted microorganisms.
Our Recommended Extraction Process of Coconut Oil
Cold extraction Processes
With the cold extraction method, the coconut oil is formulated from the coconut milk obtained from the fresh coconut meat (copra) by breaking the emulsion without heating. The cold extraction process is more desired due to the non-use of solvents, refining, bleaching, and deodorizing process in the oil production process.
The cold extraction process is famous for maintaining the nutrients of the coconut, lowers cost of production, energy requirement and consequently considered as an environmentally friendly method of production. The coconut oil obtained through the cold process can be described as virgin coconut oil (VCO) or extra virgin coconut oil (EVCO). Unlike olive oil, the terms “virgin” and “extra virgin” are not regulated with coconut oil. Referring or labeling coconut oil as “virgin” or “extra virgin” makes no difference.
The downside with the cold pressed extraction process of the coconut oil is the fact that the yields are comparatively low in oil content, making the oil more expensive and discouraged for commercial use.
The Chilling, Freezing and Thawing Method
With this method, the stability of the coconut cream emulsion is broken by chilling, freezing, and thawing. The thawed coconut cream is later separated using the centrifugation process (another extraction process which will be explained below). Producing coconut oil through this method requires the emulsion to be centrifuged before the chilling and thawing process to ensure a better packing of the coconut oil globules. Temperatures during this process can range from 10°C for chilling and – 4°C during freezing. Thawing can get up to 40°C and until the coconut cream reaches a room temperature of about 25°C.
Cold Pressed coconut oil (Dry method)
With the dry method, the fresh coconut meat is obtained and dried. The producers may dry the coconut meat to a varying degree of moisture. The drying process of the coconut may seem to be quite important in the final taste, and quality of the oil. The drying temperature varies among producers which may range for as low as between 103 degrees F to over 180 degrees F.
After, the drying process, the coconut is later placed in a press which is pressed at varying degrees of pressure and temperature. During the pressing, the coconut meat yields oils with protein that are filtered or allowed to settle and the oil can be decanted. The varying degree of temperature used among different producers explains the great variation in taste and quality in the variety of cold-pressed coconut oil you can find in the market. A high temperature can result in a toasted coconut taste meanwhile a mild, raw coconut flavor might be as a result of a low temperature and careful processing.
If you are looking to import virgin or extra virgin coconut oil, it is important to go for acceptable cold pressed oil produced under low heat and with a raw, nice mild coconut flavor.
Centrifuge Method of Extraction
With the extraction of virgin coconut oil using the centrifugation method, it is possible to use various centrifugation speeds, temperature, and time intervals to determine the best yields. First of all, with the centrifugation method, the fresh coconut meat is pressed to obtain a coconut cream which is about 40% oil. By using a centrifuge, the cream or coconut milk is concentrated in other to yield a higher percentage of oil.
The process is done through a special pressed machine which enables the water solubles and proteins to be effectively separated. The oil can be characterized with a very light coconut flavor and extremely mild and smooth as most people would describe it. With the centrifugation method, a maximum amount of moisture, fiber, and protein is removed without the use of heat which makes the oil to be considered as raw.
Coconut oil extracted through this method is considered to be one of the best quality coconut oil and expensive to produce which makes it more expensive in the market.
Expeller Pressed Extraction Method
The coconut oil produced through the expeller method is considered refined coconut oil or RBD (Refined Bleached Deodorized) coconut oil. The expeller production process is just the normal production process used by a vast majority of coconut oil producers. With the expeller process, the coconut meat can either be sun-dried or smoked dry in some cases. Once dried the meat is pressed in huge expellers presses to obtain crude coconut oil using heat. Due to the excessive heating, the proteins from the coconut meat are denatured and the cream emulsion destabilized.
The brownish crude coconut oil obtained from the expeller pressed is cleaned by minimizing the free fatty acids, remaining moisture, bad flavors, or smell through filtering, washing, and refining. This can be done through steam or heat to deodorize the oil or bleached by filtering through clays in other to get rid of any bacteria and impurities.
It is important to note, some producers exercise the use of chemical solvents such as hexane to extract the oil from the meat. The final oil is usually characterized with higher smoke point of about 400-450 degrees F. The oil is usually flavorless and odorless.
A much better way can be through organic expeller pressed coconut oils which does not practice the use of solvents like hexane. And since coconut oil is stable, heating and cleaning during the process can only slightly alter the nutrients.
When it comes to the quality, in some cases, importers take the liberty to re-refine the oil in a better way than how some producers in Asia would. This helps to further purify the oil and eliminating all the impurities leaving the oil extra cleaned and slight increase in shelf life.
The Shelf life
Many usually ask can coconut oil go bad? Or how long does coconut oil last? The shelf life for coconut oil also depends on the extraction process and most importantly how it is stored. The best way to store coconut oil can be in a cool dark location or the refrigerator and in well-sealed containers. This is because Oxygen can break down coconut oil quicker.
Storing coconut oil in the fridge is a very good idea. The downside to refrigerating coconut oil is it can make it difficult or “non-ready” to use as the oil can be “rock hard.” On the other hand, heat or higher room temperatures are not necessarily bad for coconut oil and you don’t need to freak out if your coconut oil transforms into liquid. That doesn’t mean it has gone bad. Coconut oil normally has a relatively low melting point of about 78°F.
Refined coconut oil can last for a few months and the same goes for coconut oil produced using the fermentation process.
Virgin coconut oil can last for up to 2-3 years if it is properly stored and away from heat and light. Some coconut manufacturers claim extra virgin coconut oil can last indefinitely which is something we might consider researching on before concluding.
Another question that is frequently being asked is, How to tell if Coconut Oil is bad, rotten, or spoiled, how do you know when the coconut oil is expired? You can definitely tell when coconut oil has gone rancid. Degrading coconut oil can be characterized by mold, a yellow tint, or “off” flavors and bad odors. It can be really obvious just by opening the bottle. The white oil starts transforming into a slightly yellowing color.
Health Facts about Coconut Oil
We strive to revolutionalize how people eat and at the same time take the best products to the world, it will be biased if we do not include the health benefits of coconut oil be it food grade or cosmetics grade. We find it important for people to actually know what they consume for with such knowledge optimum performance can be guaranteed.
Coconut oil is used extensively in traditional medicine around Asia and the Pacific regions. Coconut oil is considered special in these regions because of the high healing effect compared to other dietary and tropical vegetable oils. As a functional food, it provides endless health benefits even beyond its nutritional content. The cultures around the Asia pacific believe so much in coconut oil and strongly hold it as the cure for all illness which further explains the name for the coconut as “The Tree of Life.”
The presence of healthy fatty acids in coconut oil.
For better understanding, fatty acids can be considered as the building blocks of the fat in both our bodies and the food we eat. In a typical digestion process, the body breaks down fats into fatty acids which are then absorbed into the blood. Fatty acids can also act as a store of energy. When the body runs out of glucose for energy, it turns to use fatty acids to fuel our cells instead (3).
As indicated, the fatty acids found in coconut oil can act as a fat burner and energize the body and the brain. Another good thing is, they can raise the good (HDL) cholesterol in the body which is known to reduce the risk of heart disease (4).
A specific fatty acid found in coconut oil is lauric acid. As a healthy fat coconut oil is composed of about 50% lauric acid which is very important and essential in boosting the immune system. We can only find lauric acid in high percentages only in human breast milk.
Coconut oil also contains MCTs (medium-chain triglycerides), which are shorter fatty acid chains compared to other dietary fats that contain LCTs (Long-chain triglycerides. MCT’s are known to be more beneficial compared to LCTs (5).
The majority of the fats and oils trending in our markets today, be it animal or plant-based contains LCFA (Long Chain Fatty Acids) or LCTs. It is believed 98 and up to 100% of almost all the fatty acids consumed are LCFA (6).
The difference in the size of a fatty acid is very important because our bodies metabolize these fatty acids differently and in terms of their sizes. They exist a distinctive difference between MCFA (Medium Chain Fatty Acids), or MCTs, and LCFA.
MCFA stands out from LCFA in that they do not have a negative effect on cholesterol and they help to protect and fight against heart disease. MCFA are known to fight the risk of atherosclerosis.
When we consume MCTs, it makes its way directly to the liver. Our bodies use up these MCTs as a quick source of energy and even transforms them into ketones which are highly beneficial to the brain and widely used to fight health conditions like Alzheimer’s disease, and even epilepsy.
Coconut and Palm kernel oil are by far the best sources of MCFA compared to other dietary sources.
Improves heart health
Numerous studies have been able to demonstrate the low rates of heart disease in certain regions in the Asia pacific as due to the huge consumption of coconut oil and other coconut foods. The coconut palm is placed in high value in these regions as a source of food and medicine.
The people from Tokelau, an island situated in the South Pacific and Papua New Guinea experience a low rate of stroke and heart disease as a greater proportion of their meals are made from coconut-related foods and coconut oil. The Tokelau people obtain over 60% of their calories from coconut (7).
Other major studies have been able to validate these claims from several regions around the world as the people are known to thrive for generations with coconut as their source of food.
This goes further to explain the importance of the healthy MCTs predominantly present in coconut oil.
Coconut Oil may help with obesity
It is highly important to note that obesity is not just how many calories we consume as many people believe. What is important to understand is the source of those calories. It is important for us to know that different foods will have different reactions to our bodies and hormones.
The MCTs present in coconut oil can increase the level of calories our body burns up compared to LCFA’s (8). By consuming 15-30 grams of MCTs a day can increase 24-hour energy expenditure by 5% (9).
It is important to make mention of the fact that coconut oil is very high in calories and which may lead to weight gain when consumed in large amounts. The only difference, when compared with other dietary fats or oils, is the huge presence of MCTs in coconut oil.
Coconut oil may have antimicrobial effects
As mentioned earlier, over 50% of the fatty acids in coconut oil are lauric acid, and studies have demonstrated the lauric acid found in coconut oil has antimicrobial activities (10).
During the process of digestion, lauric acid forms a “co-agent” called monolaurin and are both potential killers of harmful pathogens like fungi, viruses, and bacteria (11). Another study that was carried out to investigate the antimicrobial effect of coconut oil concluded that the exposure of lauric acid to clostridium difficile inhibits growth and limits its colony-forming units by a remarkable amount (12).
Numerous test tube studies have been able to show that substances like lauric acid, found in coconut oil help kill the staphylococcus aureus which is the main culprit of staph and yeast infections in humans (13) (14).
Besides, oil pulling, which is the usage of coconut oil as a mouth wash is considered as beneficial for oral hygiene (15).
Coconut oil can help to protect the skin, hair, and teeth
This can go a long way to support the fact of how much coconut oil is being used for the production of cosmetics today. Many people use coconut-related products for the purposes of improving their skin, hair, and general health.
Coconut oil is known to be an effective moisturizer for dry skin and fights against the symptoms of skin conditions like eczema (16) (17). Also, coconut oil is widely used today in numerous sunscreen products. A study was able to demonstrate that coconut oil can work as a weak sunscreen agent and can block about 20% of the ultraviolet rays produced by the sun (18) (19).
Coconut oil can reduce hunger
Studies have been able to show how MCTs can reduce hunger and appetite. This is another interesting characteristic of MCTs we can’t neglect. Scientists have been able to relate this fact base on how the human body metabolizes fats. As we consume MCTs they are transformed into ketones which are known to reduce appetite (20).
Some other studies were used to back these claims as MCTs and LCTs were served to six healthy men in varying amounts, and it was realized that the men who ate the most MCTs realized a lower calorie consumption per day (21). For men in another study who ate the most MCTs during breakfast turn to eat fewer calories at lunch time (22).
Other health benefits of coconut oil may include;
- Kills viruses and bacteria that can cause diseases like hepatitis C, herpes, measles, influenza, UTIs, gonorrhea, ringworm, eczema, athlete’s foot, diaper rash, yeast, and many other illnesses.
- Coconut oil can fight against parasites like tapeworms, giardia, and lice
- It can boost endurance and provide a nutritional source of quick energy.
- Coconut oil is known to improve digestion and properly absorbs other nutrients the body needs like amino acids, minerals, and vitamins.
- Coconut oil may help to improve insulin secretion and proper utilization of blood glucose. It can also help fight against the symptoms and health conditions related to diabetes.
- Coconut oil can help in the absorption of magnesium and calcium in the body and support the development of strong teeth and bones.
- Coconut oil can help relieve the symptoms related to health conditions like gallbladder disease, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and stomach ulcers. It can also help to dissolve kidney stones.
- Works perfectly as an anti-inflammatory agent and helps the repair of tissue and healing.
- Supports a good immune system and enable effective functioning of the immune system
- Coconut oil can help protect the body from colon, breast, and other cancers (23).
Top 10 exporters of coconut oil around the world as of 2019
Exporters | Value exported in 2019 (USD thousand) | Trade balance in 2019 (USD thousand) | Quantity exported in 2019 | Quantity Unit | Share in world exports (%) |
Philippines | 290,053 | 289,709 | 332,929 | Tons | 24.9 |
Indonesia | 255,131 | 250,203 | 331,433 | Tons | 21.9 |
Netherlands | 219,851 | 200,462 | 187,926 | Tons | 18.9 |
Malaysia | 117,430 | 109,933 | 129,220 | Tons | 10.1 |
United States | 39,674 | -359,244 | 16,319 | Tons | 3.4 |
Sri Lanka | 35,365 | 32,798 | NA | Tons | 3 |
Canada | 31,070 | -14,108 | 3,857 | Tons | 2.7 |
Singapore | 26,168 | -12,583 | 5,209 | Tons | 2.2 |
Germany | 25,321 | -40,434 | 16,780 | Tons | 2.2 |
India | 19,495 | 17,145 | 7,882 | Tons | 1.7 |
Which country is the biggest exporter of coconut oil?
From the table above, and as of 2019, the Philippines is the leader for the world export of coconut oil with a market share of 24.9% and exported 332,929 tons of coconut oil with an export value of over $290 million US dollars. Indonesia is second with a market share of 21.9% with an export quantity of 331,433 tons. The Netherlands is in the third position with a market share of 18.9% with an export quantity of over 187.9 tons as of 2019.
Singapore, Germany, and India are responsible for a market share of 2.2%, and 1.7% for India respectively. As of 2019, Singapore, Germany, India were responsible for an export quantity of 5,209, 16,780, and 7,882 respectively.
Things to consider when importing coconut oil.
Many importers today do not take their time to research on the requirements or the necessary facts of importing products in their country. Different countries have different laws in importing certain products. On a general note, it is important to research on any product you want to import into your country and to make sure you can meet the requirements for importing such products.
First of all, the most important thing to do before importing is to study the market trends, in relation to demand and supply. Also, it is important to understand what does the market need and where can you source the right coconut oil for the market.
Once you have all the necessary details from your market research, it is also vital to understand the laws governing the importation of coconut oil in your country or region. In some cases, there might be some specific requirements, especially when importing from specific countries with no trading agreements with your country.
For the US, It is important to check the FDA requirements in terms of nutritional information and labeling.
When it comes to sourcing suppliers, you will have to consider the volume, quality price, and reputation of the company. The volume will help you understand the quantity you can purchase from the supplier and especially if you are looking to import on a regular basis.
You must be able to know the quality and production process of coconut oil. You must be able to understand the quality the market needs and propose the quality you are interested in purchasing to your supplier. You can easily request a sample of the coconut oil you are interested in and verify the quality of the oil.
The price is also very important especially if you are importing coconut oil to re-sell. First, you will need to know the price your market is willing to pay and compare the price with what your supplier is offering. It is also important to indicate every other cost you might incur as you import the oil. This may include, bottling, (if purchasing in bulk), packaging, transportation, and storage or warehousing.
And lastly, it is very important to consider the shipping conditions and packing. It is very important to understand the delivery time. Delivery time is very important considering the shelf life of the oil. Refined coconut oil has a shelf life of only a few months and it is best practice to check the delivery time to make sure you can receive the oil in all good conditions, market, and sell the oil before it expires.